In an interview, MTV, director Jon Chu describes the movie plot. "This is not like other movies where you are at a stage concert and then go on stage and backstage and then go behind the scenes. This is not just a concert ... this is a movie musical, when the words are not enough in telling his life story , we use music. "

Biography / Film spotlights Justin concert career, his daily life, and his life before becoming one of the nation's hottest teenage players. The film includes home movies and photos Bieber early life in Stratford, Ontario. Also included will be in depth, exclusive interview with Justin and heartfelt interviews with family and friends.
However, fans did not wait until February 1911 for the film. There will be advance screenings on February 9 will, fans can get their ticket packages at, where he will go on sale November 29, 2010. This will be Justin Bieber purple goods and an exclusive 3-D glasses. The cost is $ 30 and purchases subject to availability and there is limited.
So if you are a real belieber movie is a must see. Discover the road to success and how Justin got there. 3D effects make it even more special and intimate, if you are an emotional person you think you can probably Justin Bieber touch screen. It certainly would be a movie to remember because it was an inspiration for your own life and stories that make you closer to your idol.